The Warrior course is the first building block in our 3-semester men’s leadership curriculum. The 12-week men’s Cohort begins with Gideon–the “Everyman” of the Bible, and follows him–verse by verse–as he is transformed from a fear-filed farmer into a Mighty Warrior!
Over 45,000 men worldwide have graduated–and found their Mojo in Christ after discovering sustainable freedom all men yearn for. Many forge lifetime friendships by investing a 3-day weekend or 10 weeks of 90-minute classes at church or as a men’s Bible Study. in the wild at a retreat center or as a small group getaway for 3 days.
The Core 300 Warrior Course was an awakening for us. It awakened us to see our identity in Christ alone with our rights and responsibilities as a son of the most high God. We saw for the first time the invisible struggle that rages daily around us and were trained how to exercise our duty and privilege to lead, provide for, and protect those God has placed in our life. Finally, our Father God taught us how to keep our eyes on Jesus–to rely on his quiet guidance—and always present power and how to bring it into deeper relationships with our wives, our children, and our brothers” — Brandon Baxter, Men’s Leader, Cornerstone, San Francisco
The Evil Trifecta
The times are perilous–fraught with danger, tribalism, and anti-Christian values. The “Evil Trifecta” of the Devil, the World System, and our own Carnal nature are set against you, your family, and the Church. Millions of men like you are weary of losing most of their critical spiritual and moral battles–many still are quietly retreating from fellowship into a deadly but painless spiritual slumber. Others have trained their persona to look like overcomers but are not. Most of us are lonely. How can we win over the Trifecta? By becoming a fellowship of Watchman–skilled in spiritual warfare–and by connecting to their Troika.

700 Inmates at Kakamega Prison are thrilled and happy to have their own Swahili Bible and Warrior Field Manuals, provided by our Donors.
The Troika
James 5:16 gives us the catalytic ingredient missing in most men’s discipleship and men’s leadership curriculum today. “Confess your sins (faults, failures, weaknesses) to one another to be healed (saved, complete, whole)” The Troika–a group of three–is the circle of trust where each man is given a safe place to let down his false armor and get real during the frequent interactive discussion segments following short lectures and videos. Simply put, we all sign a Covenant of Confidentiality which says, “Whatever us said in the Troika, stays in the Troika.“
Course Takeaways
- Overcome the 5 Barriers to Authentic Manhood
- Realign your success to the success God made you for
- Gain your Spiritual MMA fighting skills to discern and CRUSH the Devil’s purpose in your life, addictions, and the world’s dark forces assaulting your manhood and your Divine purpose.
- Strengthen your Marriage and Dad skills in your true identity
- Become one of God’s 300–and a Band of Brothers in Christ
- Get dangerous in God’s Armor – Learn ‘Kingdom Street Smarts,‘ strengthen your will, love others, and humble your ego
To learn more–or receive the link to download 2 free sessions from The Warrior Master Trainer Manual email us and write “Warrior” in the subject box.
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