How has it gotten so bad?
1. Primeval Tribalism
Over 90% of all Africans hold to their ancient, shame-based, misogynistic Code, in which a Father is shamed for showing affection to, or speaking their child’s name out loud! Dads are shamed and ostracized if they play with, or teach their own offspring! In turn, if a man will not beat his wife regularly, he is rejected by other men as effeminate. 70% of men in Kenya have abandoned their wives and children. Millions of younger men have forsworn never to marry.
Measured by increases in single-mom households, the pandemic of fatherlessness has been expanding worldwide since the mid-20th Century. Its acceleration has been caused by several factors. In developing nations, the toxic expressions of primeval tribalism–has dealt every child and adult to suffer from what psychologists call the Father-Wound.” A spirit of rejection grips the child and multiplies into the next generation. The results of COVID, the Russian War, and 18 years of government and NGO exclusion of men and boys from massive humanitarian and education grants by Westerners have catalyzed an unnatural extinction of fathers, husbands, and grandfathers from Kenyan society. Playtime! Arthur (last-borne #9) and Daddy Wycliffe play together often because of a new heart change he experienced with Core 300 training & mentoring Symptoms of the “extinction of family” include:
400% increase in Husband and wife homicides–of each other
19 million–70% of all children in Kenya–are fatherless
High school fees and sub-poverty levels for single moms is causing an exodus of children in Kenyan Schools
70% unemployment in males 18-35 years-old
Men remain single by choice, though are regularly sought after by city women for stud services
Sharp increases in alcoholism, drug abuse, and transvestite identity changes by men
Violent murders of entire families–followed by Dad’s suicide have become commonplace
Malaise, rage, and hopeless despair of males of all ages across Kenya
“In all of my years of ministry, I have never had a course grip my heart and transform my mind as a follower of Jesus. The joy of watching 32,000 ministers, inmates, and ex-cons experience their own miraculous awakening is impossible to describe!“
–Bishop Vincent Mugun, 60, Core 300 Executive Director, Kenya
2. NGO and Charity Influence and Unwise Government Policy
The accelerator to father deprivation today is made worse by a combination of unconscionably biased government & NGO investments into women and girls ONLY–forbidding ANY development, educational, business, or healthcare funding for males aged 3 and over.
This policy has been made much worse by well-meaning faith-based initiatives–which have turned billions of US Donor Dollars towards girls and women only as well. This led Gender Affairs departments to kowtow to Grant directives that punished all males while making massive investments in females. Today many developing governments continue to over-fund girls’ and women’s needs in K-12 and college programs, and start-up business grants, while punitively forbidding anything that might benefit any male of any age.
300,000 orphan street kids in Nairobi, Kenya of all ages follow the older fatherless teenage boys as their father figure, learning crime skills from pickpocketing to murder
Today billions of our children worldwide are raising themselves to adulthood without a 2-parent home. Hundreds of 1000s in Kenya have neither parent and live under the laws of the streety. Rest assured its resultant debilitating internal psychological trauma–often called the father-wound by psychologists–is evident in the daily newspapers and murder and 5-fold (versus women) suicide statistics worldwide. Whereas a mass murder-suicide once stunned our nation, the escalation of this unanswered violent cry for help and justice is greeted by a national shrug, with most not even being reported by the media.
Wherever you see violence, corruption, power, lust, immorality, vendetta, or rebellion against parents, you are witnessing the fruits of father-woundedness.
It is this writer’s opinion that this wound–if unhealed by the intervention of another older man, is the chief foundation of most of the evil and criminal behavior throughout history.
The spirit of rejection invades a child’s psyche by the age of 5 or younger.* seeds future rage, mental illness, and self-loathing in its host. Most will grow into victimizers of other innocents
This is why God continually commanded Israel and later, the Church, to heal and protect the fatherless, homeless, prisoners, and the abject poor. He knows and feels the pain of billions of broken hearts every moment and yet his Church does not listen nor seem to care.
The most unsettling yet unseen danger to civilization is the increase in single-mom households–where there is no stabilizing, protecting, providing, or present father in sight.
NGOs in Kenya — Inadvertently Doing Evil While Trying at Good
“For 18 years, our government [controlled by multimillion dollar NGO and US Grants] directed all aid away from males, 3 and older. We have failed the man and the boy child (teen). Our men are deeply broken–abandoning 70% of Kenyan families. Boys drop out of school by the 4th grade or sooner. After searching for help, I found that there was no NGO in Kenya with a proven method of rebuiulding men and boys like Core 300. It is the only organization we can go to with a proven solution.”
–County CEO of Youth, Welfare, and Gender Affairs, Kenya
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