Called to War


“The best men’s book since “Wild at Heart”

—Small Group Leader, Dallas Texas



Accelerate your masculine quest in this compelling read. Expect transformation as a personal journey or get some other guys together, and use the riveting discussion questions at the end of each chapter as a Band of Brothers. The squeamish and faint of heart need not apply.


Additional information

Weight 14.5 kg
Dimensions 9 × 6 × .75 cm

1 review for Called to War

  1. admin

    “The best men’s book since “Wild at Heart” —Small Group Leader, Dallas Texas

    • Art Hobba

      Thanks for the complement!. Be looking for a coupleof new books in the writing or concept stage:
      Awakening the Warrior is a re-do andimprovements of Called to War, but its got a few things I’ve learned since—some of them pretty painful–but that is the gig, right?

      So Others May Live,

      Art Hobba

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