Prison Transformation
“The degree of civilization in a society can be judged by entering its prisons” -Fyodor Dostoevsky
“Prisons are beginning to empty”
The novel experiment for rehabilitating Kenya’s prison population is succeeding
In September 2017, after reviewing 19 applicant organizations, the government of Kenya outsourced rehabilitation, training, and development services to Core 300 International and their Kenya-based partner, Principle Based Leadership. to provide for 55,000 inmates, 18,000 guards and employees of their Ministry of Prison Services in all of their 104 men’s and juvenile boys prisons.
Of the Millions of incarcerated men in Sub-Saharan Africa, there are five common circumstances inmates are likely to have in common are:
1) Remand - Stuck in No-mans-land - For many developing nations, a large percentage of inmates are being held in "Remand" status for long periods of time after arrest. Often due to overloaded court cases and a lack of innovation, a vacuum of injustice leaves a common citizen without any representation, formal charges, or sentencing for long periods of time. It is not uncommon for a man to endure this loss of freedom for 3 to 7 years without a voice. Since COVID-19, great strides have been made in Kenya due to installing ZOOM plea bargaining systems were put into place.
2) Grabbed from the Street - In many developing nations, up to 40% of men that are thrown into prison are known innocent by the police. The guilty party, given an opportunity to pay a bribe to the arresting officers, accept payment, and then move into a city or village and seize any man that they see, and incarcerate them in the place of the guilty man.
3) Hothouse “Wards” - Overcrowded and underfed inmates are often subject to unbearable health and emotional stressors impacting both guards and prisoners, turning the loss of freedom into one of hatred, violence, and disease. PTSD is a common partner to those who suffer from deep emotional wounds, and the loss of hope, exacerbated by lack of practical vocational training.
4) Terrorist Cells - Radical Islam is insidious in many Sub-Saharan nations. Sometimes a trained terrorist will get himself arrested as a "prison plant" for the sole purpose of seeding hopeless and enraged hearts and minds with vindictive hatred for the government that so mistreats them, and a small group form inside with the intent to plan and later do acts of terror to their own citizens.
5) Social Hatred and Recidivism - Ancient Tribal custom mandated shunning and exile as punishment for a crime--even in lieu of capital punishment. Western Colonials brought in beating and incarceration instead. However, in most of 85% Rural East Africa, that is what waits for a man released as an Ex-con. His prisoner number was Tattooed for all to see, earning him immediate rejections from his family, church, and community. Left without resources and a twice-broken heart, he chooses to return to prison. Yet as Father-God remembered Israel's enslavement in Egypt--and Jesus taught us to visit, remember, and rescue those in prison--he has remembered the souls of broken men and women today.
"Almost all inmates have been freed from the bane of the destructive father-wound--and disarmed from repeating the fatherless cycle with their children."
--Bishop Vincent Mugun, Executive Director
Three years into our partnership, over 10,000 men--(both inmates and employees) have graduated from the Warrior course--forsaking toxic tribalism and finding their true identity as an adopted and loved child of their Father in Heaven. These same men were taught our Farms for Life course as well, and the 85% that own a small farm were charged with hope and enthusiasm--that they can find their purpose, and become a providing husband, and loving father. Through our Donors and ministry partners, like The Bible League, each man was given their Philipp Course Manual, Core 300's Warrior Student manual, (The Bible League's basic training course) and a new Swahili New Testament
Phase Two of our 5-Phased plan triples our efforts by training the Phase 1 graduates into the Priest course while launching the Warrior in 20 more prisons, adding another 18,000 men to our student body. have graduated from the Warrior course--850 of them giving their hearts to Jesus. All have been trained in 21s Century farming and year to return home to begin life over again with their family, and almost have been freed from the bane of the father-wound and repeating the fatherless cycle with his children.

Overcrowded, and a single wooden bucket for refuse
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