Core 300 chose early on to seek out collegial partnerships with those who share our core values and commitment to the Great Commission “to make Disciples of all Nations.” The Scriptures below validate our Kingdom expansion approach. Anyone or organization who proceeds alone are fools.
“Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up. . .a threefold cord is not easily broken” — Ecclesiastes 4:9-12
“One of you shall chase a thousand, but two of you shall chase ten thousand.” –Deuteronomy 32:30)
Secondly, there is a palpable sense of urgency in our expanding sphere of ministry:
- Doors are open to claim new strategic ground.
- Growth continues to soar, requiring more capital for ground operations
- Constraints–much due to COVID, the decrease in Donor giving in the US has hindered Ccoordinator mobilization and the transformation of men, families, and communities for good
- Satan, increasing in wrath in end times, has activated 5 new Islamic strategies–funded and deployed in 2019–to take control of all Sub-Saharan nations by deception, graft, and fear-based political manipulation
- The Church is tribal first, designed to manipulate–even create–Scriptures to increase fear and further impoverish their attendees. The new heresy of greed-driven prosperity is spreading like the wildfire among Pastors & Bishops as churchgoers leave their congregation in lust for the lie of wealth.
- True Believers in Jesus are keenly aware the Holy Spirit is calling his Church to prepare for the 2nd coming of Jesus while girding up our minds for “discipling the nations,” and increased persecution, marked by the falling away of the U.S.A from their divine heritage and global generosity.
When the Government of Kenya awarded us the task of rehabilitating all 55,000 inmates, 1,400 Juvy boys, and all guard and Prison employees in 2017, we knew we must gather established partners who do what they do better than we do in their calling to advance God’s Kingdom.
“Once poor pastors and inmates learn the secret of working their farm with up to an 800%increase, smiles breakout on their faces and they cannot wait to return home to their family and farm!”
– Barack Nyongesa, Director of Holistic Ministries, Core 300 Africa
The Ministry of Prisons
Once vetted and chosen by the Kenyan government, we worked hard to develop a close and friendly relationship
of trust with the Chaplains and Directors in the Ministry of Prisons, with different responsibilities for them and for us. To start, there was no budget for them to contribute–beyond us using their facilities.
However, observing the changes in prison culture from the Warrior course in Phase 1, they stepped up:
Offering us a C-level letter of authority to access all 109 facilities as we wish
Paying the salaries of our teaching army on the inside of 60 salaried Prison Chaplains
Given us our first 50-acre prison farm–a common asset to over 25 of the prisons–to steward all planning, labor, soil cultivation, and planting–including crop management, to bring harvests to market.
These farms will be shining showcases to instill faith and new skillsets to 90% of inmates who have no hope of a future–but do have a family farm. We’ll demonstrate our 21st Century Farm model proven to increase crop yield by 800% or more. New, high-nutrition vegetables will also grace the local tables of inmates as well.
The Bible League 
After getting to know a few wonderful Bible translators and publishing ministries, we found the Bible League, which had worked for decades to gain more entry into several Kenyan prisons.Their New Testament Swahili Bible named, “Free on the Inside” and their Philipp Project designed for use in prisons worldwide, we now follow the Warrior course with Philipp, and after the men and boys finish that course, they receive a new Bible of their own.
After a trial period, we were not only embraced as a ministry partner, but they could soon be helping us expand into Uganda in the future!
Hope Matters Hospital
30 km from our African Headquarters in Bungoma is one of the most advanced private hospitals in the country. As a ministry partner, we also support them and their cause for the very poor who cannot pay for healthcare. Their skillset, often sought out by Staff Doctors largest hospitals in Western Kenya, also provides professional medical training to our Coordinator’s who, beyond leading conferences, also conduct regular Medical interventions for poor children and indigent elderly victims of the crippling JIggers Plague
Other Support, Ministry Partners, or Association Memberships include:
Fatherhood CoMission
The Barnabas Group
NCMM – National Coalition of Men’s Ministries
Fathers and Families Coalition of America
The Kingdom Kids Coalition
Corporate and Philanthropic Sponsors
– Bank of America Foundation
– Christian Foundation of America
– Video Advisors
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