Operation Uganda

June 25, 2022, Entebbe City, Calvary Chapel Church: Core 300’s long-awaited

Operation Uganda was formally launched at 09:00 at the “Mother” and Training Church for Calvary Chapel Uganda. 77 hand-selected leading bishops and church planter veterans arrived at Ground Zero for 3 days of Boot Camp training. Some came from far away islands in Lake Victoria–others traveled 19 hours in anticipation of a movement of God among men. They had heard what God had done in Kenya.

Why men? Like in Kenya, men are broken, often self-loathing yet misogynistic practitioners of sloth and evil. A majority of them have already abandoned their wives and children. Driven into vagrancy and addictions by Tribal shame, they hunger for an awakening–for a shred of hope. less than 10% of them go to church. 

Like the apostolic church of Biblical Antioch, a vision put into the heart of Pastor Craig Linquist 25-years earlier to incubate a local church that would one day become a strategic equipping and sending center. They were the epicenter responsible for the planning and supporting the birth of over 150 churches in every corner of the nation–even as far north as South Sudan.   

(l)Pastor Fred Kimbagaya receives his Course Certificate from Teacher                                                                                                                                                                                        (r) Art Hobba–author of the Warrior Course, at Calvary Chapel Entebbe

In the 3rd week of May 2022, three unanticipated and unrelated events came together with one message:   Go to Uganda NOW!”                                                                                                                                                                                                            Background: In 2013, Core 300 held their signature first Warrior Conference in Western Kenya, we were not surprised to learn that ministers had traveled from nearby nations of Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda to join over Kenyan 600 church leaders in Bungoma. 15 pastors came men from nearby regions in Eastern Uganda where Swahili was the common bridge language between the border population. Core 300 Kenya grew and developed 7 of these men as Coordinators who seeded the poor farming region, but limited resources were available to grow the area. That movement has transformed over 30,000 families.

3 mature and experienced ministers–all with solid business backgrounds–came up to me independently during the June conference and shared their strong sense of calling to be a part of this movement. One, Andrew Mwesigwe, was known to us and had been certified

2 others shown on the right are Timothy Pancras (l) and Joseph Ejobi (r) as they pray and planned and led the second follow-up Train-the-Trainer (TTT) Certification Course for 36 men who were called as Coordinators in their home area.

Today they are ready to go as soon as funds can be made available for the Student manuals costing $4 each.

Can you help cover the cost of 10 manuals ($40) to train and send 10 men home to transform 70 family members? That’s 10 men who will be godly fathers and husbands and grandfathers. Our Wives’ Surveys show that our graduates return to their wives and children radically changed by an average score of 95.5% (improved/much improved) in 5 Core Behaviors of a Godly Family Man:

  1. He ceases all violence and now treats his wife with kindness
  2. He learned the name of his children and is engaged with them as a loving dad!
  3. He works harder and makes more money to provide for his family
  4. He helps with the more difficult chores around the home and farm
  5. He sees his wife as a true partner-helper and not as a third-class citizen