Leading like Jesus is the goal of many women and men. Whether you lead a household, a small group, a church, or manage your team at work, Jesus’ serving-first style was anything but weak. His investment of love and time over 3 years into a few men, prepared them to launch and steward what has become the largest and most influential community of faith in the world for 18 centuries.
We set up an empty chair in our meetings, inviting God to take a seat as our Leader. Our men and women are trustworthy, solid, and faithful. Yet our founder sets the tone of open confession of sins of commission and omission–good days and bad ones are common to us all and we find his light cast into the broken places at times. We have each other’s back because we share the passion to serve Jesus when no one notices.
“Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the great and awesome day of the LORD comes. And he will turn the hearts of fathers to their children and the hearts of children to their fathers, lest I come and strike the land with a decree of utter destruction.” — Malachi 4:5-6
A Spiritual Investment multiplied into a mighty Spiritual harvest–and creating a significant Economic ROI
From Pastor Dongo Namono, East Uganda,
“Before the Warrior course came to us from Kenyan Coordinators–most of ourfamilies were near starving. Mhy fellow pastors and I were eating one small portion of cornmeal each 2 days, so my wife and children could have one portion each day. But the story of a very poor farmer named Gideon filled my heart with strength and hope! The next day as the Kenyan teachers showed us how to mulch weeds and stubble–and add in animal manure, we all were filled with hope to change our lives.
The first season my meager crop was some better, but the next season it was double! Each year since . . .more
2024 Annual Report
Core 300 International is a California 501c3 Training and Development non-profit organization in good standing with Federal and State Governments.
Board of Directors, Core 300 International
Art Hobba – Founder and Chairman of Core 300 International and Principle Based Leadership (PBL), Art has a unique blend of business leadership and pastoral experience and perspectives. He was a church planter and senior pastor for 12 years. He also has 9 years of experience serving in executive roles for several companies including 2 public technology companies and a global accounting firm. He founded Transcende in 2001, where he integrated Psycho-sociology and cultural transformation into a unique consulting and coaching firm serving mid-market to Fortune 500 companies until he retired and began serving Core 300 full-time in 2017.
Rev. Hobba wrote the popular men’s book “Called to War“, and Core 300’s boot-camp-style curricula, The Warrior, The Priest, and The King. Art and his wife Sharon have 5 grown sons, 2 daughters-in-law, 2 grandsons, and two granddaughters. more
Rev. Wycliffe Mudavadi – Director and Treasurer, also serves Core 300’s Daughter ministry Principle Based Leadership (PBL) in Africa as Treasurer. graduating as a Building Science major, he spent the first 20 years in the role of architect and designer, working for the Kenyan government and later as a private practitioner. With her degree in Education, she is a contributing author for our new women’s curricula in development, The Warrior, Woman of God. Long called for in women’s prisons and by multitudes of wives. Married to Juliet, they have 9 beautiful children, where she mentors pastor’s wives when not managing a very busy home and orchard. They live outside the city of Bungoma, Kenya
Brian Phillips — Brian is our newest, highly talented member and will be supporting Art Hobba in his many duties, as well as leading development and media campaigns for Core 300 and our Kenyan NGO, Principle Based Leadership. Brian’s calling is to bring fresh entreprenurial perspectives into the overall Church Culture in the US. He is the current and founding pastor of The Grove Church in Poplar Grove, Illinois. He is also the founder of GraceOps, a men’s discipleship non-profit organization aimed at grounding and building up men, as men–who are also husbands and fathers at their best.
David Piester – Director, has worked as an outsourced Senior Global Sales Officer and management consultant to software tech firms. His primary focus is to lead and advise large sales enterprises on their data journey and show sizable ROI. As a disciple of Jesus for two decades, Dave is a devoted single father of two adult daughters and a son in High School. For the last decade, he has been an ambassador and team leader caring for the marginalized. He has traveled to developing nations such as India and Uganda, working with the Calvary Chapel organization on the ground in sports ministry, and other humanitarian projects for alleviating the plight of the poor in the Name of Jesus Christ. He lives in Carlsbad, California
Core 300, Kenya and Uganda
Principle Based Leadership
“PBL” was registered as an NGO Association with the Kenyan government in 2014 by founder Art Hobba and native co-founders Barack Nyongesa and Alex Achuti. PBL Uganda was founded in 2022 and is in the process of doing the same
As a prolific grassroots training institution, most of the operations budget is funded by the US parent organization through monthly Grants by Core 300 International. Today, its Board of Directors operates the growing community of 1400 national volunteer Coordinators who are tasked with responding to the movement of the Holy Spirit among male leaders and their families in both nations.
Operating as our “boots on the ground,” PBL is a close-knit band of Brothers who live in the spirit of trust, mutual submission, and in the unity and oversight of Core 300. Communication via WhatsApp is daily in a fruitful and collaborative partnership. Approximately 85% of the income of Core 300 Intl. is directed towards supporting PBL, each year. However, self-sustainability via entrepreneurial farm science, adult education, and new business incubation are already in place. All programs aim to generate self-sustainability and missional investments that will carry the lion’s share of operational costs as we expand toward Central and Eastern Africa in the years ahead.
Our Programs
Hard-Time Cons and Ex-cons now Jesus’ Disciples 10,000 graduates 
Jiggers Clinics sends 8,745 back to School

Church Leaders Training & Discipleship 24,000 graduates
4,000 Small Farms come to Life with 300% Yield Increases by our by Farms for LIfe Programs 
Economic and Entrepreneurial Development was begun in 2021 in Western Kenya through US “Investor” dollars into a seed fund named SIMBA Ventures. 15 new business initiatives are underway and doing well
Principal Based Leadership (PBL) Kenya, Board of Directors
NOTE: Barack Nyongesa has been removed by the PBL Board of Directors of PBL for divisive activities. Please contact our office for more information
Rev. Alex Achuti – Director, and Co-Founder of PBL, Alex is a skilled counselor, pastor, and savvy entrepreneur–adding to our skillset as men frequently have to rebuild their lives–especially as Ex-cons. As a skilled personal coach, he has mentored and even sponsored some of our young men into successful business start-ups. As one of our most animated and effective teachers, he and Barack went out–just the 2 of them–to many West-Kenyan and East-Ugandan rural locations putting on the first 100 of our Warrior Conferences for pastors and church leaders, establishing this ministry as potent, transformative, and trustworthy. Alex is also a volunteer Executive Team member. He lives in Bungoma with his wife Joy, where they have five children and three grandchildren
Rev. Art Hobba, Founder and Chairman, See the above description
Deogracious Juma – Director and Treasurer, Deogracious brings over 30 years of corporate management and humanitarian service to PBLs operations. As a certified accountant and later as a senior manager of materials and purchasing for Laeticia’s chain of Superstores, his large corporate management experience is extremely helpful as we professionalize and expand our organization to scale up for our multimillion dollar contract with the joint Finland-Kenya Alliance to fight Gender Based Violence throughout the nation. DG, as he is affectionately called, is also a volunteer Executive Team member, and a recent (2024) Board Member of Core 300 International.
Rev. Wycliffe Mudavadi – Executive Director, serves PBL as our “lead Coordinator.” graduating as a Building Science major, he spent the first 20 years in the role of architect and designer, working for the Kenyan government, and later as a private practitioner. .Wycliffe is highly gifted with strategy, data analysis, and systems management, he has been an instrumental addition to the Board leadership at PBL and is our newest member of the US Board as of Spring 2021. Wycliffe is a volunteer Executive Team member. He is also an agribusiness entrepreneur assisted by his wife Juliet where they have 9 children together
Rev. Jacob Sudi – Director, serves PBL as very effective leader of our Cluster Leader field managers and at finding men and developing them into Coordinators Cluster Groups of Coordinators in the Mount Elgon Region. Jacob founded and serves at their growing local church. He and his wife Grace and their 6 children live in the beautiful Mt. Elgon region of Kenya.
Rev. Augustine Wesonga – Director, and Lead Coordinator of Motor Wings and Jigger Clinics, He has a keen business mind and feels sincere that his greatest privilege is to kneel before and cure children and the elderly of rancid Jigger infestations. He serves a local church with his wife Edna, and they have 6 children together
Principle Based Leadership (PBL) Uganda, Board of Advisors
Pastor Felix Dai, Director over Northern Uganda, South Sudan, and DRC (Congo)
Joseph Ejobi, Director of Prisons Operations
Bishop Vincent Mugun, Executive Director Emeritus, PBL Kenya
Rev. Craig Linquist, Founder, Calvary Chapel, Entebbe
Rev. Fred Kimbagaya, Lead Pastor, Calvary Chapel Entebbe
Rev. Ron Flores, The Barnabas Group, San Diego
Creed and Values
We prescribe to the Nicene Creed (modified to include the Holy Scriptures):
We believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all that is, seen and unseen.
We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, eternally begotten of the Father, God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, of one Being with the Father; through Him, all things were made. For us and for our salvation he came down from heaven, was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary, and became truly human. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate; he suffered death and was buried. On the third day, he rose again in accordance with the Scriptures; he ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and his kingdom will have no end.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son is worshiped and glorified, who has spoken through the prophets. We believe in one holy universal and apostolic Church. We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins. We look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come.
We believe in the power of the Holy Scriptures, the Bible, inerrant in its original writing, God-breathed and written down by anointed mortal men in service to God by the Holy Spirit; The Word is discerning, insightful, and illumination into the human heart; He is our Convictor of sin; Builder of faith; Bearer of sorrows; Physician-healer, Bread of Life for our spiritual nutrition, and our Light and General into victorious warfare. The Holy Spirit uses the Scriptures to apply it all to the seeking human heart and mind to instruct us in righteousness, grace, love, and truth.
The Flesh, or carnal human nature
The world system
The Devil and his minions
All of which were overcome by Christ in us, if we walk in Him.
Core 300 was founded with Axiometric Principles installed in its core. Axiometry is the Science of Values, and Values-based Leadership and Transformation guides what we stand for, how we treat our own and serve others. Our Core Values are woven into every thread of who we are and the organization we are becoming.
Courage (Fortitude)
Financial Stewardship
Integrity is our first value. The word is derived from the Latin word integritas, used for wholeness, unity, excellence, oneness, and complete. This is the quality of heart and excellence in execution that has been embraced by our Stakeholders, Staff, Volunteers, and service professionals.
Transparency is an important part of integrity and we will always choose to post all annual financial milestones at our Stewardship page. Our books are open to any interested investor or Partner. We are committed to transparency in all we do. We subscribe to Intelligent Philanthropy, which has evaluated our annual financials and ministry results and accounting for the last 6 years. Recently we have joined GuideStar as well as other validating organizations.
Email or write us mailto:art.hobba@core300.org for questions you may have regarding our operations, policies, and accountability.
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