Farms for Life

Developed and written by one of our native Kenyan founders, our Farms for Life Program is the third training course after men graduate from The Warrior, and The Priest. Funded by Core 300’s US donors and grantors, our 140 African-certified volunteer Coordinators have trained over 16,000 men in poor rural communities where over 90% of the people survive on “smallholder” (inherited land of 1/2 to 4 acres) farms.


Harvest Yields have steadily grown by 300% to as high as 2,000% in 5 short years!

We continue leading the way into a successful, environmentally sustainable, Farms for Life (FFL) training for 10,000 more farm-dependant families NOW to diffuse the rising tide of a forecasted severe, decade-long food shortage. Beyond the imminent loss of food security–our process insulates them from future famine in Kenya & Uganda.

Ministry Impact Western Kenya  
Yield Increase in US Dollars

Spiritual and Economic Return on Investment (ROI) of $560,000 in 5 years

1) Spiritual ROI – 12,422 new salvations, 29,220 men discipled, 37,950 healings & deliverances from tribal bondage

2) Psychological ROI – 155,000 healed father-wounds  (kids) & 25,000 healed marriages

3) Economic and Social ROI = 2,200%  creating a new Regional wealth of $15,470,250—                                                                                                          with no cost to our farmers! 

Ministry Impact Western Kenya  
Yield Increase in US Dollars


  • 90% of all people in Sub-Saharan Africa (subtracting those who live in large cities) feed about the same percentage of families daily
  • High birth rates (5 children per female) leave the father’s estate to an average of 2.5 sons per generation, this creates smaller and smaller plots of land per new family* 
  • Tribal and cultural mores closes the minds of indigenous men–forbidding them from receiving help from the West
  • Trillions in Western Governmental Aid and from large NGO’s have little intent nor impact in educating or fFarms for Life with Wycliffe 2021unding these small farmers
  • Yields and the quality of nutrition have plummetted, leaving little or no market income to pay for schooling costs, seed, fertilizer or other essentials
  • Our Transformed farms are fertilizer independent while being surrounded by food scarcity, lockdowns, and social unrest
  • Our successes prove that they trust our native trainers–most of whom are smallholders and local trusted ministers

Our Solution is both Sustainable and Transformational

Farms for Life is the answer and it is working! A vision from the Spirit came to a Kenyan Board Director of PBL, Core 300’s “daughter” organization founded in Kenya in 2013.
Scores of 1,000s of men have been awakened through our “The Warrior” and our Priest courses. Freed from the chains of tribal thinking has released a fearlessness to innovate. Today, we consistently see returns to fruitfulness averaging 3X-6X yields
Farms for Life is a no-cost process (but sweat equity) that healed 1000’s of these small farms

“Comparing the data from Core 300’s Warrior graduate Wives’ Surveys*, which indicates a 94% increase in the work ethic of their husband’s, with the multiplication of harvest yields from our Farms for Life Ministry, Core 300 is not only seeing transformed spiritual lives but transformed family economies as well. Children are back in school with books, a lunch, and a backpack, and our Farms for Life advisory work has enriched and diversified diets to improve health and nutrition!                                                                                                                                                                                                            –Rev. Barack Nyongesa, FFL Director, PBL

The cost of live demonstration and training is only $3.50 per family farm

We need $100,000 to continue training another legion of 16,000 men–and their families–in create spiritual, relational, nutritional, and financial freedom by the end of 2023

Help us feed 100,000 more African children by Giving Today! 

NOTE: Because most men and women remain fatherless–they suffer from a deep wound that offers a toxic “safe” substitute for belonging in their Tribe. However, the Code of blind obedience and followership disables critical thinking, innovation, learning, and adoption of practical, modern farm science. The he Warrior and Priest courses brings a man (often a husband and dad) into a deep, inside-out experience, that frees him–with confidence–to break and abandon the mental and social barriers of ancient cultural mores and embrace a new future of prosperity through our organic, holistic, harvest-multiplying process.