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The Warrior Course FAQ's

Below are the most common questions we have been asked. Click on the star just below the question to the right for the. If you’d like to know more, just fill out the form at the bottom with your message, and one of our team will get back to you. If you want a callback, then type your mobile # in the message section. 

How many men have completed the Core 300 Warrior Course internationally?

Based on our known efforts in the US, Kenya & Uganda, about 45,000-50,000 men have completed the Warrior course. Yet we hear stories from several churches using it for men and women in the Philippines and other nations too. One Survey of Kenyan wives of pastors who finished the course indicated a 95.5% “much improved” or “very much improved” changes in their husband’s performance as a husband, father. Plus men are finding joy and purpose in providing more income–and work ethic received scores in the 90+ percentile as well! 

What does it cost?


Like anything Jesus centric, it may cost you your life! Tuition, however, is at no cost to the student at this time. Each enlisted man is required to invest $39.99 for training materials needed to complete the  Zoom Pre-Recorded, or Zoom Live course [when offered].

The Warrior Boot Camp Kit includes:

  • Either the “Called to War” or the “Awakening the Warrior” book as Textbook
  • The Warrior Field Manual
  • Core 300 Warrior Armor of God Medallion                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Can we use Art Hobba’s books “Called to War” or “Awakening the Warrior” for a men’s Bible Study without a Warrior workbook?                                                                                                                                                                  Absolutely! It was designed for personal transformation, 1-1 mentoring, and large or small group.  However, 40,000 graduates later, we know that the odds go against you if you don’t pair up with another guy in person or virtually, and work the discussion questions! Therein is the deep secret to this Bible study’s effectiveness. The Warrior Course textbook–complementing the Warrior Field Manual workbook, with the leader teaching from their Warrior Master Trainer Manual.
Is this course a “come and go” or open format, or is it designed to be Session-sequence dependant?
Just like a US Marine Boot Camp, each week builds sequentially on the one before it. We are training men on eternal and invisible life or death issues here. Also, trust is building up within each of the Troika (3 men) breakout groups. Because men have already begun to drop their defenses in the Troika, it is highly recommended that the class closes after the second session, and then, ONLY if the newcomers are willing to review the previous ZOOM sessions on the web. Besides, any missed classes need to be caught up by the Warrior to graduate Boot Camp and receive their Core 300 Medallion. Most churches or men’s groups continue to cycle through with the Warrior, so keep a list of new candidates and encourage them to wait until the next course begins.
What are the age limits to attend the class?
This may vary a bit by the organization, but generally, young men 15 and over are ready for this course. The Warrior-Priest-King series is a power-packed trilogy for High School teens or collegiate small groups to take to prepare them for life. When you read about 83 yearf-old Caleb–still endowed with strength and warrior attitude, there is no upper-end age limit!
Can I buy the Armor of God Medallion for myself, or as a gift to someone?
If you lose any of your conveyed medallions (there is a unique one for graduates of each of the 3 courses), you can order a replacement from our Store. However, our customized Core 300 Armor of God medallion is only awarded to a man who has completed the course or read the entire textbook (if not registered in a class). It is a unique talisman-reminder of freedom, community, and daily battle readiness for the man who carries it in his pocket each day.
Other vendors sell a similar non-Core 300 version online for gifting purposes.
How long is the Warrior, Priest, and King Courses?
Originally an 18-week course, It has been redesigned to be twelve 90-minute sessions—though it may go a little longer depending upon the pace of class and Troika discussions. It is up to the course leader–with cohort consensus–to set the pace. Our recorded live sessions with author and Core 300 Founder Art Hobba has 13 sessions–the last one including the Coin Conveyance Ceremony. We try to keep the live, online ZOOM course to finish in 12 weeks.
Are you planning to launch more ZOOM courses in the future?
The Warrior course features twelve 90-minute interactive multimedia Sessions with a Cohort of other Warrior-Brothers who will engage the lectures, media, and the participative breakouts in Troika groups
Is there anything after the Warrior Course?
Yes! Core 300 is designed with 3 consecutive and sequential modules, all of which are 12 weeks in length. The second year, called The Priest, launches this transformed man to live out his new life. The Course trains the man as a servant leader to his wife, his children, and at work. The third-year focuses on deploying the Warrior-Priest- graduate into becoming a leader of leaders and connects him to discover the dream that Father-God dreamed when he made him. Most of our graduates move into some active leadership role in alignment with both their gifting and readiness.
I have read the book “Called to War” or “Awakening the Warrior.” What is my next step?
Firstly, if you completed the whole book, you have earned the right to carry the Custom minted Core 300 Armor of God coin! You can get yours at www.core300.org/Store.htm. Most leaders who experience the book will want to join an interactive Boot Camp either live or online. Reading the book gives you the tools, but the interaction with 2 other men in your Troika are the most powerful transforming agent where each man find a safe place to “confess his weaknesses, so he might be made whole (James 5:16)”
Can we call our men’s ministry “Core 300” and logo’s, etc?”
Yes, but we will need to authorize the use and location of the name in writing and be assured that you are using our materials in the way they were designed.
What denomination are you affiliated with?
We are affiliated with none…and in fellowship with any person, group, or church that stands on the Tenets of the Nicene Creed, calls on Jesus as their Savior and Master, and regards the Bible as God’s inspired and written Word! Core 300 is intentionally Transdenominational serving ministers and leaders of all flavors of Christian faith…from Orthodox to Independent…building up the whole Body of Christ as one Bride, preparing men for Christ’s imminent return.
How do I find out if there is a Core 300 movement near where I live?
Join us a man or as a group on ZOOM! Look at our events and calendar on our website to see if there is a course beginning near you. Maybe God is calling you to build a small men’s group using the book “Awakening the Warrior” or to share it with your minister or men’s leader? What if God used YOU as a Gideon in your town or city? Call our office and we’ll do our best to support a group start-up where you live.
Does Core 300 do retreats?
We generally do not, unless the retreat is designed for as a precursor to or part of a Warrior course launch in a church or community of churches. We will do a regional launch weekend for a group of churches in an area if there is a commitment to continue on through the Warrior course. Office (818)324-5720 30802 Oakrim Drive Westlake Village CA 91362 www.core300.org
Is Art Hobba available to speak?
Yes, depending on schedule availability and the nature of the request. Contact Steve Abarta (805) 584-6523 for more information.
My bookstore does not carry your book or curriculum. How do I get it?
First, tell them they need to stock it! You can always order direct from Core300.org store (revenue helps support our ministry) or from a variety of the traditional sources (Amazon, Christianbooks.com, etc).
We are ready to go now…how do we get started?
Whoa…slow down a little! Though thrilled that you are willing, We advise a well thought and prayed through ramp-up period that includes your pastor and men’s leaders each reading the book Called to War ore Awakenbibng the Warrior. If there is an agreement, purchase and review the Warrior Launch kit. The best times to start in a local community is mid-September, mid-January, and right after Easter. You will need prayer covering from the getgo, so form a Core SWAT men’s Prayer team and pray for wisdom.
Can women read the book or take the Warrior course?
Even though the book and coursework have been written to modern men, practically all of the Bible-based instruction applies to men and women. It may also be a helpful class for women to not only learn the tactics of spiritual warfare, but they also gain some keen insights as to the inside out drivers and motivations of men and how we think!

Do you lead a men’s Study or just want a taste of  Gideon’s transformation?  Fill out the short form below to receive our quarterly Armory Newsletter, and get 2 free PDF Sessions of the Warrior Master Trainer Manual and the student’s Warrior Field Manual

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