Why I love JP (Jordan Petersen)

Jordan Peterson is BACK. Like him, I have been prescribed “safe” (my doctor tells me) but controversial meds at times. And yet those that know me would agree that with a plethora of miscues, backward stumbles, and outright traits that seem to piss people...

The Fruits of Transformational Leadership

by Art Hobba, Founder and President, Core 300 The concept of Transformational Leadership as an idea is promising. As a qualitative force for good, however, it must be measurable by its ability to scale performance an innovation in the transformed people who were...

The Gelded Church and Her Path to Redemption

The Gelded Church and Her Path to Redemption by Art Hobba With few exceptions, the state of the present American Church–and most churches across the globe–have declined in the quality, relevance, and potency of their impact and failed to comply with the...